Sassa GuidesDisability Sassa Grant Increase: How Much SASSA Disability Grant can be increased...

Disability Sassa Grant Increase: How Much SASSA Disability Grant can be increased in 2024?

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Disability Sassa Grant Increase: How Much SASSA Disability Grant can be increased in 2024? The disability grant is for those who have any disability. This disability must be proved in a medical report and this report should be less than 3 months old at the time of application. Disabled citizens are given monthly R2100 through this program.

Disability Grant Increase in South Africa

Distributing disability funds in South Africa is the responsibility of the SASSA, which handles social grant distribution on behalf of the Department of Social Development. Social subsidies like this are designed to help people with disabilities take care of their fundamental needs, like food, shelter, and clothing.

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said that social grants will rise by about 5% over the upcoming fiscal year during his highly anticipated budget statement for the 2024–2025 fiscal year. The Minister said that the Disability Grant Increase would be implemented in South Africa in 2024 and that the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) would be given a definite allocation of R400 million to manage.

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How Much SASSA Disability Grant can be increased in 2024?

When calculating the value of social handouts and allocating SASSA payments annually, the government takes living expenses, inflation, and unemployment into account. The government of South Africa offers their citizens the SASSA, or Social Grants 2024, to assist those in low-income groups by meeting their child’s financial needs as well as their needs related to disabilities.

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The awards used to be worth R2080, but that value went up to R2090. Now, the people will receive the higher amount, which is equivalent to an increase of R10, and it will take effect on October 1, 2024. The grants will be awarded using a variety of channels, including banking institutions, electronic deposits, and cash.

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Furthermore, by March 2026, the government anticipates that the number of recipients covered by permanent social grants will have increased from roughly 18.6 million in March 2024 to 19.6 million.


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