Home GDE Admissions GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration

GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration

GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration
GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration

GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration Check Out Complete Guide on How to Apply for Admissions GDE this page will Guide Step by step.In order to successfully submit your GDE application to the Gauteng Department of Education, all online applications for GDE admission must be submitted within the specified application period. We also recommend adding all required GDE installation application documents.

GDE admission 2025 – GDE online application & registration

Required Documents for GDE Admissions

After registering online for 2025, you must submit the following documents to the school you selected in your application. A list of all required documents will appear on the application form for South Australians and non-SA residents.

Therefore, whether the child is entering into Grade 1 or going to Grade 8, the following are the documents that you will need to submit:

  • Your identification document as the parent or legal guardian
  • The birth certificate of the learner
  • Proof of your home or work address
  • Immunization/clinic document which should prove that the child does not have tuberculosis, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio, measles, and diphtheria (if the child is applying as Grade 1 learner)
  • If the child is in another school, you will need to supply the most recent report of the child

However, if the learner is non-South African, you should submit the documents including:

  • The passport of the parent or legal guardian
  • Proof of your home or work address
  • The Asylum Seeker or Refugee Permit of the child
  • The most current academic report card of the school where the child is presently (if the child is applying for Grade 8)

Make sure that you bring all these documents within the period of seven days of the online application for school admission.

How do I apply for a GDE school place?

1. Visit GDE website

GDE-addmission-https-www.gdeadmissions.gov_.zaGo to the GDE website and click on the “Login” link at the top-right of the page.

2. Create account

GDE AdmissionIf you are a first time user, you will need to provide your name, email address and password to create an account. If you have an account, please log in directly.

3. Select Grade

Select the grade level of the students you want to enroll. Remember, you should choose a grade level that matches your students’ expectations for the next school year. Parents registering 1st and 8th graders can apply to 5 schools per child.

4. Provide personal and educational information

Please fill out the required fields with personal and educational information about the student, including name, age, gender, and contact information.

5. Select a school

Select the school you want as your first choice, then you can choose up to four schools based on your preferences, for a total of 5 choices.

6. Upload supporting documents

You will need to upload supporting documents such as:
​i. Parents/ legal guardian Identity Document
ii. Proof of home/ work address
iii. Child birth certificate
iv. Clinic card for Grade 1 applications
v. Current school academic report card for Grade 8 applications​

After successful registration, you must submit additional medical information to the school, such as allergies, medical appointments, etc.

7. Click Submit

After completing the required fields and submitting the required documents,GDE online admissions system. click the “Submit” button to submit your application. We recommend that all your documents be in PDF format.

8. Check Application Status

You can check the status of your application on the GDE Online Admissions website. If your application is successful and additional documents are required, GDE will notify you via email or text message.

9. Accept Placement

If your application is successful and your child is allocated to a school, you must accept the placement within the specified period.

10. Appeal the decision (if necessary)

If your child is not placed in the school of your choice or one of the schools you have chosen, you can request a decision by following the instructions on the GDE Online Admissions website.

Overall, the GDE Online Registration System is a valuable tool to assist in the accurate and transparent enrollment of students in public schools in Gauteng, South Africa.

Please note:

  • Parents are encouraged to use the home address within school feeder zone application option to see schools with feeder zones that cover the
  • parent’s home address
  • To increase the chances of placement closer to the parent’s home address, parents should select schools with feeder zones that cover the parent’s home address
  • Parents will be able to apply to a minimum of 3 schools and a maximum of 5 schools for each learner
  • Parents cannot make more than one application for one learner to the same school
  • Parents must remember to read and accept the Terms and Conditions


For more information Visit https://www.gdeadmissions.gov.za/


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