Sassa GuidesIs it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS?

Is it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS?

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Is it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS?
Is it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS?

Is it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS? Most of South African are desired to know if Is it possible to get Both Sassa Grant  and NSFAS? This article come up with right answer.

What is Sassa

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a national agency of the South African government created in April 2005 to administer South Africa’s social security system, including by distributing social grants, on behalf of the Department of Social Development (DSD).

What is NSFAS

NSFAS is a government entity under the Department of Higher Education and Training established according to the NSFAS Act (Act 56 of 1999) to provide financial support to disadvantaged students who wish to further their studies at public universities or TVET colleges.

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Will I Be Approved for NSFAS if I Receive R350?

If you are a beneficiary of the R350 grant, and you have doubts about being approved for the NSFAS grant, you need not be. The good news is that even beneficiaries of the R350 (SRD) grant can still apply and be eligible for the NSFAS funding. Ideally, the NSFAS was designed to target underprivileged students in South Africa and help fund their post-secondary education.

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Will I Be Approved for R350 if I Receive an NSFAS Grant?

Unfortunately, being a beneficiary of the NSFAS makes anyone ineligible for the R350 grant. One of the requirements for the application is that NSFAS beneficiaries lose their rights to receive the R350 grant. This is because the SRD grant is designed for people with zero grants.

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Hence, if you are already receiving the NSFAS grant, your application will be automatically declined. If by any chance you are receiving these grants simultaneously, SASSA will halt the payments upon discovery during the monthly review.

DONT MISS  SASSA Status Check (UPDATED): How to Check the Status of your SRD Grant

What Is the Eligibility Criteria for the R350 Grant?

To be eligible for the R350 grant, you must check all the boxes in their eligibility criteria. This includes being a South African citizen, a current resident in South Africa, unemployed, and between 18 and 60 years of age. Another important criterion for the R350 is that you should not be a recipient of any other social grant, be it NSFAS, Covid-19 government support, or employment insurance benefit.

What Is the Eligibility Criteria for the NSFAS Grant?

The NSFAS offers bursaries to the needy university and TVET college students. Unfortunately, those who wish to study in private institutions will not be funded. Besides that, the eligibility criteria include being a South African citizen, being a member of a household that experiences financial constraints such as receiving a combined income of less than R350 000 and having applied for formal education from a public university.

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