Sassa GuidesSASSA Old Age Pension Payment Dates 2024

SASSA Old Age Pension Payment Dates 2024

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SASSA Old Age Pension Payment Dates 2024 Be Updated about SASSA Old Age Pension Payment Dates for the year 2024 On this page you will find payment dates of all months from January to December.

SASSA Old Age Pension Payout Dates & Amount

Recently, the Ministry of Finance enhanced R100. Initially, the old age grant receivers who are 60 years old or older will get R90 from April 24, the amount will be R2180, and from October 24, the amount will be R2190. Moreover, the old age grant for those who are 75 years old or older will receive R2200 (R2180+R20) from April 24, and from October 24, they will get R2210 (R2190+R10).

MonthDate (SASSA Older Person)Amount (60 Years & Older)Amount (75 Years & Older)
April 202403-04-2024R2180R2200
May 202403-05-2024R2180R2200
June 202404-06-2024R2180R2200
July 202402-07-2024R2180R2200
August 202402-08-2024R2180R2200
September 202403-09-2024R2180R2200
October 202402-10-2024R2190R2210
November 202405-11-2024R2190R2210
December 202403-12-2024R2190R2210
January 202503-01-2025R2190R2210
February 202504-02-2025R2190R2210
March 202504-02-2025R2190R2210

How to Apply SASSA Old Age Pension

You can apply for a grant for older people by visiting your nearest SASSA office wherever you live in South Africa. Suppose you are unable to visit a SASSA office due to illness, disability, or old age. So, you can also refer another family member or friend to the SASSA office on your behalf. A SASSA representative there will guide you thoroughly on “how to apply for an old age grant,” and they could inform you of the “SASSA Old Age Pension Payout Dates.” 

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Once your application process is complete, the officer will give you a receipt as proof with a verification stamp. Remember, there is no fee for filling out and submitting the application form. If anyone does so, you should complain against them if they demand money for applying process.

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After verifying the process, you will be notified in writing if your application is approved or not. You can also apply online using SASSA’s online portal: Copy the link, hit the Google bar, and then fill out the online application form, and “Submit” it. You are eligible or not, for that, let’s deep dive into the qualifications and requirements for the Old age pension grant.

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Who Qualifies for SASSA Old Age Grant

You are an older person who needs more income to cover your daily expenses. SASSA has started a welfare project for old-age citizens. Let’s examine the eligibility criteria for an old-person grant in South Africa.

  • Consorts must be South African Citizens, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers.
  • They should also reside in South Africa.
  • The age should be over 60 years.
  • Consorts must pass the means test.
  • Your income must be R86280 or under (for individuals) or R172560 or below (for couples).
  • Your asset’s worth must be R1227600 or under (for individuals) or R2455200 or below (for couples)
  • Consorts must ensure that they are not receiving any other social grant administered by the South African Government or SASSA.

Documents Require for OLD PERSON GRANT

First, review the eligibility criteria. If you pass that criterion, you must complete the required documents to get an old-person grant. Let’s review the necessary documents.

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  • South African identity document requires. If unavailable, get the affidavit from SASSA and complete it with your consent.
  • The consorts will provide the documents for proof of their relationship, which could be as follows:
  • An affidavit or Oath of living together
  • Government-certified marriage certificate
  • Divorce document
  • The death certificate of the applicant’s wife
  • Consort must give an oath or affidavit statement of their income and assets that should meet the minimum criteria of SASSA.
  • Additionally, your spouse’s documents and dependent children’s documents are also required.

Note: You can only use an affidavit on your own that proves your relationship. Besides, you can only use the notarized affidavits allotted by SASSA for all the required documents.

Document Verification and Grant Eligibility Review Processes

While collaborating with the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Social Development, SASSA will review your application to verify whether the documents you provided are authenticated. If all your documents are legal, the SASSA will approve your grant and deposit it accordingly. The institution does not tolerate fraud, scams, or fake documents, so the organization has the right to reject the application.

Once a year, SASSA will conduct a review visit to check your eligibility criteria based on the fact that you are getting grants every month because, in particular circumstances, the qualifying criteria have been changed. This review aims to check whether applicants qualify for the eligibility criteria or if their circumstances have changed. If your financial circumstances have changed over time, you must inform the SASSA.

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If your circumstances have changed and you misled SASSA, the institution can suspend your grant. Reviews were conducted slowly; the organization will inform its beneficiaries in writing three months prior. In particular cases, home visits are possible for frail citizens.

How to Appeal for an Older Person Grant?

If SASSA rejects your application for an Older Persons Grant, you can File an Appeal to SASSA by law. SASSA will review your application and analyze it to check for errors step-wise. If SASSA’s decision remains the same, and the applicant disagrees with it, the applicant may appeal to the High Court of South Africa against the grounds raised by SASSA.

How can beneficiaries get Older Age grants?

After approval, SASSA will pay the beneficiaries the Old Age Grant. If elderly persons are too old and infirm to visit SASSA offices, they can nominate a substitute family member on their behalf. There are three methods to fetch of the old age grants.

  • Pick n Pay outlets in South Africa.
  • Designated banks, including Post Bank.
  • SASSA Offices.
  • By using their Gold Cards

Possible reasons for grant suspension

Let’s take a look at the reasons that can lead to the suspension of the grant.

  • Improvements in means
  • Reviews fail
  • Found fake documents
  • Mistakenly Approved by SASSA
  • Grant has not received consecutive three months
  • Absent from Republic Day.

Possible reasons for grant lapsing

Let’s take a look at the reasons that can lead to the lapsing of the grant.

  • The recipient is dead.
  • Receiving a grant from another institution.
  • Absent for more than 90 days since Republic Day.
  • Hospitalized for more than 06 months.
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