Sassa GuidesSASSA War Veterans Grant Application and Requirements

SASSA War Veterans Grant Application and Requirements

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SASSA War Veterans Grant Application and Requirements
SASSA War Veterans Grant Application and Requirements

SASSA War Veterans Grant Application and Requirements Get all details about How to Apply for the SASSA War Veterans Grant with it Eligibility and Requirements.

Eligibility Criteria For SASSA War Veterans Grant

Before applying for the war veterans grant, make sure that you meet the following criteria:

  • To become eligible for the grant, you should either be a South African citizen or have permanent residency status.
  • You should be a resident of South Africa.
  • You must be 60 years old or have a disability.
  • You should not be getting any other type of social grant for your personal use.
  • You should have participated in the Korean War or Second World War.
  • You should not be supported by any state care institution.
  • You and your spouse should comply with the means test requirements.
  • If you are single, your annual income must not surpass R96 840 (R8 070 per month). Being married, the collective annual income must not be higher than R193 680 (R16 140 per month).

If you are single, the value of your assets should be less than R1 372 800. And being married, the value of your collective assets should not cross R2 745 600.

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What Documents Are Needed to Apply for a War Veterans Grant?

  • ID documents like ID card, passport or driving licence.
  • If you are disabled then provide the proof as a medical report.
  • Certificate of war service to verify your service in the war.
  • If married then provide the proof of marriage.
  • ID documents of your spouse if you are married.
  • Copy of spouse’s death certificate if your spouse is no more.
  • Last three month’s bank statement.
  • Proof of your residency in South Africa.
  • You will need either the ‘blue book’ from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) or a discharge certificate from your previous employer if you had a job.
  • Proof of income.
  • Proof of asset values.
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What is the Means Test for a War Veterans Grant?

The Means Test for the War Veterans Grant evaluates both income and assets to determine eligibility:

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Income Test:

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  • If you are single, your annual income must not exceed R97,320.
  • If you are married, your combined annual income as a couple should not exceed R194,640.

Assets Test:

  • If you are single, the total value of your assets should not exceed R1,379,400.
  • If you are married, the combined value of your assets as a couple must not exceed R2,758,800.

Meeting these income and asset limits is essential to qualify for the War Veterans Grant provided by SASSA.

How much is the SASSA War Veterans Grant?

According to the April 1, 2024, SASSA grants increment, the war veterans grant is R2,200 per month for each person. The grant amount will increase to R2,210 per person per month from 1 October 2024.

How to Apply for the SASSA War Veterans Grant?

You can apply for the SASSA war veterans grant in your nearest SASSA office branch by filling out their application form, or if you want to apply online, read the instructions on applying online through the SASSA services website.

If you are too old, sick, or have any disability issues and are unable to visit the SASSA office yourself, you can have a trusted family member or a friend apply on your behalf. The person applying on your behalf should take a letter from you along with a doctor’s note explaining why you cannot visit the SASSA office yourself.

The application forms are available at SASSA offices, and it needs to be completed in the presence of the SASSA officer. You can fill out the application yourself, but if you are unable to do so, the officer will assist you in completing the application form. The officer will also take your interview (or take the interview from your appointed person) and inform you if you are qualified for the grant.

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After completing the application and interview, you will receive the dated stamp receipt with the SASSA officer name who assisted you in the application and the application reference number. Even if you are not qualified, you need to keep this receipt as proof of application.


How do I register as a military veteran?

Whether for updating or new application the following must be submitted: Original Military Veterans Database Form dated and signed. Certified copies (not older than 3 months) of:Applicant ID Document (If applicant is deceased, his death certificate)

Who qualifies as military veteran?

“A South African citizen who rendered military service to any of the military organisations, which where involved on all the sides of South Africa’s liberation war from 1960 to 1994, those who served in the Union Defence Force before 1961, and those who became members of the South African National Defence Force after

How to apply for war veterans grant in South Africa?

Go to the SASSA office nearest to where you live and bring the following:
  1. Your 13-digit bar-coded identity document (ID. If you don’t have an ID: …
  2. Proof of your war service, e.g. certificate of service.
  3. If you are under 60, a medical assessment or report stating that you cannot work.
  4. Proof of your marital status. If:

What is proof of military service in South Africa?

SADF or SANDF discharge certificates are issued when service members come to the end of their active duty within the South African Army, Air Force, or Navy. These certificates contain information generally required to verify military service for certain benefits, retirement, employment, and veteran program enrolment.
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