NSFAS NEWSWhen Does NSFAS Stop Funding A Student?

When Does NSFAS Stop Funding A Student?

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When Does NSFAS Stop Funding A Student? NSFAS Bursary require the Student to meet the Qualifications in order to Apply but the fund is not for life there some time comes they may stop funding Certain Student,On this page yu will find When Does NSFAS Stop Funding A Student?

What NSFAS Discontinuation Of Funding Means?

Discontinuation of NSFAS funding means that NSFAS has decided to withdraw or stop funding a student completely. Several reasons can lead NSFAS to discontinue NSFAS funding.

NSFAS reserves the right to withdraw or cease financial aid to a student under the following circumstances

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NSFAS will discontinue a student’s funding if the student no longer meets the financial or academic eligibility requirements.

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The scheme will not fund a student who has committed fraud against NSFAS or another beneficiary or was funded by mistake.

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Funding will also be discontinued if incorrect information was submitted by the institution, resulting in erroneous funding, if the student provided false or incorrect information when requested, or if dual registration records from different institutions for the same student remain unresolved.

Who Qualifies For NSFAS?

The most important requirement for your NSFAS financial assistance application is that the student has a combined gross household income of R350,000 or less per year to qualify for a NSFAS bursary.

This means that if the total annual income of everyone in their household exceeds R350,000, they won’t qualify. For a NSFAS loan, the household income must be R600,000 or less per year.

Additionally, NSFAS only funds South African Citizens.


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