Exams ResultsSouth Sudan primary 8 results 2023/2024 PDF Download

South Sudan primary 8 results 2023/2024 PDF Download

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South Sudan primary 8 results ple 2023/2024 PDF Download

South Sudan primary 8 results ple 2023/2024 PDF Download Welcome to South Sudan primary 8 results ,Sudan Primary Leaving Examination Result Informative Article here you will get to know How to Check your Results.

Speaking during the release of primary schools examinations results in Juba on Friday, South Sudan’s deputy minister of general education Martin Tako Moyi disclosed that private schools performed better than the public schools.

The Secretary General of the National Examination Council Ustaz Simon Nyok Deng urged the national government and education partners to strengthen support to girls’ education in secondary schools to improve girls’ transition from secondary to higher education.

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The Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan has been clearly spelt out that basic education must be free and compulsory to all children. It is, therefore, the mandate of the Ministry of General Education and Instruction to ensure translation enactment into actual deeds.

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MoGEI is also mandated to develop appropriate policies and strategies for guaranteeing this noble task and to ensure that other related roles such as the oversight and equity issues are dealt with properly. These tasks are to be delivered by the seven Directorates of the Ministry, one secretariat, two centers and a Teachers’ Development and Management Services and their respective departments through the stewardship of the Honourable Minister and Honourable Undersecretary.

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In accordance with The General Education Act, 2012, the strategic goals of the National General Education Policy are as follows:

“The education system in the Republic of South Sudan will be directed towards meeting the following goals:

  • Eradicate illiteracy, improve employability of young people and adults and promote lifelong learning for all citizens;
  • Provide equitable access to learning opportunities for all citizens to address inequalities in education provision;
  • Achieve equity and promote gender equality and the advancement of the status of women;
  • Contribute to holistic personal development of each learner and to the moral, social, cultural, political and economic development of the nation;
  • Promote national unity and cohesion;
  • Enhance the quality of education through a robust inspection programme to encourage a culture of innovation and continuous school improvement and effectiveness; and
  • Develop and promote a general scientific approach in education.”

Organization Structure
State Ministries of Education

The Ministry is made up of many directorates and departments.  For more information on the employees click here.

Here is the Administration structure of the Ministry, General Education Sector: Organogram of The Ministry General Education Sector

Check South Sudan National Exam Results Guide

South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Results FORM         

Information about the SOUTH SUDAN PRIMARY EIGHT Examination Results 2023 is given in this post. You may now get information on the SOUTH SUDAN PRIMARY EIGHT Examination Results for 2023 here. This is one of the best articles to read if you want to understand more. For more details, consult the sources in this page, and don’t forget to tell your friends about it.

Tips How to Pass South Sudan Primary Eight Exams with High Grades         

8 Pointers for Getting Good Grades         

Study slowly over the course of the year. Leave nothing till the last minute.         

Keep a journal while you revise. You can learn and remember important things thanks to this.        

Schedule your revisions in a practical manner. Don’t make yourself a failure.         

In a distraction-free space, study. No texting, phone, or TV are permitted.         

In two steps, revise. To obtain a general sense, read the document once. Note important elements on the second reading.         

You can use reading, writing, and audio to aid in fact memorization. Diversity will keep the topic interesting.         

In order to prepare for the exam, test yourself. You can do this with a study partner.         

As you’re revising, take brief breaks. Maintaining energy levels can be aided by exSouth Sudan Primary Eightise.         

How to Deal with South Sudan Primary Eight Exams Stress         

You still need to study if you want to ace your tests. This manual explains how to maximize your time and study more effectively. Your study schedule should be straightforward and simple to follow.         

Make sure your revision schedule is as simple as possible. Resist the urge to break up each hour into brief segments for the things you need to study.         

Attempt to acquire exam papers from prior years. This will provide a preview of the kinds of questions that will probably be asked on the test. They can be offered by the college or university where you go. Instead, you can purchase previous years’ exams directly from the examination boards.         

To assist you get high grades in your course, you might wish to read a book on study techniques before you start. Ron Fry’s book “How to Study” is a good choice. You will do well on school and university examinations and get wonderful time management advice from it.         

Examinations are meant to measure your knowledge and proficiency. Yet, how well you do in them also SOUTH SUDAN PRIMARY EIGHT ends on your technique. You’ll be able to effectively convey the breadth and SOUTH SUDAN PRIMARY EIGHT th of your knowledge if you remain calm and focused.         


How to Be Vigilant Throughout the Revision Period         

It’s tempting to believe that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have time to eat healthy meals (i.e., don’t consume junk food or constantly snack), South Sudan Primary Eightt getting a good night’s sleep and eating a balanced diet can help you stay alert and keep your brain sharp. Eat sensibly and exSouth Sudan Primary Eightise frequently during your exam period to help you feel less stressed.         

Making a SSouth Sudan Primary Eightessful Study Plan         

The Three-Step Revision Process         

Step 1. You read the texts and course notes for the first time to get a general idea of the subject. Making revision notes is not as crucial at this point as it is for you to understand the big ideas.         

Step 2. In the second reading, the subject will be covered again. You may now highlight critical phrases or make a list of keywords as you read through your notes. This type of active learning will aid in your comprehension and retention of the material.         

Step 3. Make some brief notes as you read to serve as an aide memoire. A few days before the exam, you can refer to an aide memoir to refresh your recollection on important details.         

Prepare for the exam day.         

It’s possible that the location of your exam test will be somewhere you’ve never gone before. Whatever the case, it’s critical to prepare in advance. Nothing is worse than getting caught in traffic on the way to an exam, so consider your route. To determine how long the trip will take, you might want to run it by yourself a few days earlier. Make sure you allot extra time for the trip on the exam day itself, “just in case.”         

Is It OK to Bring Your Phone Into the South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Room?         

Your teacher will go over the regulations for the exam room, sSouth Sudan Primary Eight as what is permitted and what is not, with you. Mobile devices must frequently be left outside the exam room, South Sudan Primary Eightt not always. Before the exam itself, find out if you are permitted to bring anything with you into the room if you are unsure. This will prevent you from experiencing more stress than is required. For instance, the guidelines may stipulate that you notify the exam supervisor if you need to carry an inhaler with you to treat your asthma.         

Find out from the supervisor what is not allowed in the examination room.         

Find out from the supervisor what is not allowed in the examination room.         

I’m in a garden.         

Inside the Examination Room: The Examination         

Make sure you bring a functioning computer, plenty of pens and pencils, and a glass of water for the exam itself, if applicable. You can pace yourself through the exam by using the clock that is often mounted on the exam room wall. The time allotted to finish an exam is intended to provide the typical student enough time to finish all of the questions. A particularly talented student might complete in less time, whereas a less talented student might struggle. Maintaining a constant work rate throughout the test will give you the best chance of receiving a passing grade or above.         

Maintain a Healthy Pace During the Test         

Turn around the exam paper and examine the questions when directed to do so. Avoid the temptation to skim through because you might become anxious. Simply go through each question and mark the ones that strike you as particularly simple or challenging. Give this no more than five minutes of your time.         

After then, split the remaining exam time equally by the amount of questions you have to answer. For instance, if the assignment is a three-hour paper with five questions, you would have a half-hour allotted for each question in addition to five minutes at the beginning for a read-through and 25 minutes at the end for final proofreading. Check South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Results for 2023-2024         

How to Respond to  South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Questions         

The order in which you respond to the exam questions is up to you. In order for the examiner to know which question you have answered, make sure the questions are numbered correctly. As the first question to be answered, pick one you believe to be very simple. You’ll feel more assured and at ease as a result of this. Next, because you’re still very fresh, tackle one of the trickier questions. The remaining queries can then be addressed in any chronological order. Even if you haven’t fully addressed each question, keep an eye on the clock and be sure you move on to the next one as soon as possible. Check South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Results for 2023-2024      

How to Format Test Responses         

Each response should be presented as a brief essay.         

To introduce the subject, start with an opening paragraph.         

Next, talk about the main points of the argument, including the advantages and disadvantages.         

After that, you can conclude with a concluding paragraph.         

You must use whole sentences and proper language while writing your response. Spelling is also crucial. If you write in text speak rather than grammatically sound English, examiners will penalize you.         

If you’ve planned your pace during the exam, you’ll have ensured that you have enough time after completing the needed questions to go back and double-check your answers. Frequently, you will find a few obvious factual errors or a few typos. You can get the necessary additional marks to advance to a better grade by giving yourself enough time to rectify these.Check South Sudan Primary Eight Examination Results for 2023-2024 ,.Check South Sudan Primary Eight Exam Results for 2023-2024         

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